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Citrulline Malate: The Secret to Faster Recovery and Better Erections

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

Citrulline malate is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found in watermelon, cucumbers, and other foods. It is also available as a dietary supplement. Citrulline malate is converted to L-arginine in the body, which is then used to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a gas that helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. This can have a number of beneficial effects. Check out our article on 5 Supplements That Actually Work.

The Benefits of Citrulline Malate

1. Improved athletic performance: Citrulline malate has been shown to improve exercise performance in a number of studies. One study found that cyclists who took citrulline malate were able to ride for longer and at a higher intensity than those who took a placebo.

black male working out

2. Reduced muscle soreness: Citrulline malate can also help to reduce muscle soreness after exercise. One study found that people who took citrulline malate after a workout had significantly less muscle soreness than those who took a placebo.

3. Increased muscle mass and strength: Citrulline malate may also help to increase muscle mass and strength. One study found that men who took citrulline malate for eight weeks gained significantly more muscle mass and strength than those who took a placebo.

women doing crossfit workout flipping tires

4. Improved heart health: Citrulline malate can also help to improve heart health. One study

found that people with high blood pressure who took citrulline malate for six weeks had significantly lower blood pressure than those who took a placebo.

5. Improved erectile function: Citrulline malate may also help to improve erectile function. One study found that men with erectile dysfunction who took citrulline malate for six weeks had significantly improved erectile function compared to those who took a placebo.

older white male by the pool

6. Reduced risk of cancer: Some studies have shown that citrulline malate may help to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as prostate cancer and colon cancer.

7. Other potential benefits: Citrulline malate may also have other potential benefits, such as improving cognitive function, boosting the immune system, and promoting weight loss. However, more research is needed to confirm these benefits.

How much citrulline malate should you take?

The recommended dose of citrulline malate is 3-6 grams per day. You can take it as a single dose or split it up into two or three doses throughout the day. It is best to take citrulline malate 30-60 minutes before exercise.

Is citrulline malate safe?

Citrulline malate is generally safe for most people. However, it may cause some side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking citrulline malate if you have any underlying health conditions.

If you are looking for a natural way to improve your athletic performance, reduce muscle soreness, and promote heart health, citrulline malate may be a good option for you.

For more information on citrulline malate, check out some of the research: banner
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Derek Towers
Derek Towers

Shout out to Brad for the info. Never heard of this one, but I’m pretty limited on supplements. I do love watermelon and cucumber though!

Brad Nelson
Brad Nelson

This is definitely one to look into! It has been a staple for me for a while. It will help with those long workouts with the crew and with your two-a-days. And you are now entered for the drawing to win some, so good luck! Thanks fro stopping by, Derek! P.S. I love watermelon and cucumbers. too!



This supplement I'd say is up there with Creatine in terms of being a staple supplement to take. Among all the junk supplements in the industry, this one needs to be taken if anyone is serious about their training. Great article as well as it lays all the facts out in a simple-to-read and understand format.

Brad Nelson
Brad Nelson

Thanks, Anthony! This is definitely a staple in my routine, and I couldn't agree with you more. Appreciate you stopping by, brother!


P&A Butvidle
P&A Butvidle

Thanks for the info Brad! Well written article.

Brad Nelson
Brad Nelson

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Greybeard fit
Greybeard fit

Excellent article, man. I've heard about this before but didn't really know of all the potential benefits. Looks like I have a new supplenent to try out. Thanks!

Brad Nelson
Brad Nelson

You won the drawing, brother! I'll be reaching out via email to get some info from you. Thanks for supporting me on here, YouTube, and Instagram!

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